Sour gas-resistant steel grades – how to defy the rust monster

Picture of P. Maseberg
P. Maseberg

Sour makes funny? Not for steel! Sour gas is every metalworker’s nightmare. It eats through steel and causes pipes and containers to rust quickly. Sour gas-resistant and sour gas-resistant steels offer the perfect solution.


Sour gas-resistant or sour gas-resistant steel grades
Safety in critical environments.

For use in pipelines and pressure vessels that come into contact with sour gas, steel grades with high purity, homogeneous microstructure and low sulphur content are essential in order to prevent hydrogen-induced cracking (HIC). These properties are particularly important in the petrochemical industry.


UnionStahl stores sour gas-resistant steel grades specially developed for this purpose.

Testing and storage of sour gas-resistant or sour gas-resistant steel grades

Sour gas resistant steel grades are tested by sheet metal manufacturers for their HIC resistance in accordance with NACE TM 0284. Samples are taken from the heavy plate and placed in a hydrogen sulphide-saturated solution for 96 hours. These steel grades are then examined metallographically and assessed for their crack sensitivity using criteria such as CLR (crack length ratio), CTR (crack thickness ratio) and CSR (crack sensitivity factor).

Sour gas resistant steel grades: A wide range of products from UnionStahl

The sheet manufacturer guarantees resistance to sour gas in the normalized and stress-relieved condition.


UnionStahl stocks ASTM A/ASME SA 516 grades 60, 65 and 70. The heavy plates are certified with test certificates 3.2 LR. We are the only stockist in Europe that also stocks sour gas-resistant steel grades in P355NL2, P355NH and P355GH.

Sour gas-resistant steel grades: Our burning and processing services

The sheet manufacturer guarantees resistance to sour gas in the normalized and stress-relieved condition.


We offer burning and processing services to provide you not only with sheet metal but also with ready-to-install components through processes such as burning, chamfering, milling, drilling, edging, rolling and welding. We provide you with high-quality and technically sophisticated individual parts as well as series parts that meet your requirements.

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